The Dancing Flames

There are many things I love about my cabin in this small town, but my fireplace might be at the top of the list in the winter. (The windows are number one in the summer.)

After the joy of chopping the wood comes the cozy gift of burning the wood. It simply offers a cornacopia of sensory ecstasy for me!

It begins with the smoke that permeates the room and my clothes and hangs in the air for days to come. Each element added to the fire changes the texture of the fragrance slightly. I enjoy burning all the useless mail that finds its way into my mailbox. Perhaps it is worth something! But each piece of paper, or empty cereal box and new log invites another layer to an already full bouquet.

Next, the flames start to dance. I honestly have no better description than dancing. It mesmerizies me. I am content to gaze upon them for hours as they consume the wood. The dance changes endlessly and I can hear music in movements to match the ferocity of the flame or the throbbing of the embers.

Finally, the ultimate goal: warmth. It starts small, yet satisfies those gathered close. In time it permeates the room and quiets the furnance as to say, "I got this. Take a break." The word cozy goes to the next level and life just seems better when their is a fire.

Accouding to my husband, I have ridiculously cold feet.

But not by a fire.

My feet are cold to remind me that I need fire in my life. I am good with that.

Winter is cold, but fires are delicious and so my soul is satisfied.

So are my feet ;)


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