
The Moon has become a dear friend to me.

When I look outside at night and the world is dimly lit due to a bright moon, I instantly smile. It feels welcoming, like an old friend stopping by to say, "Hello! Come and play for awhile!" It usually results in a little joyful dancing.

Do you feel that?

Is there something in beauty that calls to you so loudly you simply must stop what you are doing and respond?

This is where children become wonderful teachers. They will stop in the middle of a street to watch an ant carry a leaf. So while mom is freaking out they are enchanted by the ordinary to the point of obliviousness of their current danger. I know growing up means we become more aware of the bigger picture so the child remains safe.

But do we trade away a portion of our wonder to find safety?

Is that simply the payment for wanting to raise a family?

Or is God, as always, asking us to live in the tension of it all? Holding wonder and care in a marvelous ebb and flow that feels like moving your hand through the water knowing there will be more resistance than a simple wave in the air.

Is that why the moonlight calls me?

My children are grown and flown. Is wonder and beauty wooing me back through my faithful friend, the moon, to play again?

I hope so! :)


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