Endless Creativity

When my kids were young, I was in a constant state of awe by their creativity. (I was also always cleaning up after their creativity so the awe ebbed and flowed.) Children just like creating things. It seems so natural to them; almost like breathing.

My kids are now college age and above and they have thanked us for all the play focused learning they were able to enjoy as children. We homeschooled for most of their young years and they simply had time to endlessly create so that's what they did! I can still see it in them as they go forth into the world.

I am deeply proud of them!

Maya Angelou has a wonderful quote: "You can't use up creativity. The more you use, the more you have."

I saw that in my kids, but for some reason it did not translate into my own life. I never saw myself as much of a creator although I could recognize it in other people quickly. In fact it may be one of the most consistent threads in my friendships. I simply am attracted to other creators. So perhaps, I am a creator too.

Yes. Yes I am.

I'm not sure why it took so long for me to own that but my time in sabbatical confirmed it. Not only can I create, but I enjoy it and I'm pretty good at it! These have all felt like revelations to me, but not to my friends. They have always seen me as a creator.

Funny how we need to catch up to ourselves sometimes. That is the gift of a sabbatical. Time.

My husband also has a quote about creativity: "Creativity is like a cat. If you pursue it, it will move away from you, but if you just wait patiently, it will find you and nestle in."

That's my experience too. Creativity needs room and time to grow and unfurl so that it may blossom at its own pace. I can see looking back now that I have been creative in my problem solving but always while serving an idol of efficiency. I hate that guy! He has stolen so much joy from my life. I do not plan to serve that idol any longer.

The key to endless creativity is just do less.

Hold space for the unknown.

Allow God to do exceedingly, abundantly beyond all you can ask or imagine, and then partner with Him.

May your creativity become like breathing friend; natural, endless and life giving.


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