Birds in the snow

I have spent a considerable portion of my life watching birds at my bird feeders. There is something so delightful about the way we are constantly surrounded by a species that flys and sings. All you have to do is put out some food and they become visible.

And just when it seems already too amazing to see their array of colors and shapes and sizes, God paints the earthly pallete white with a fresh snow fall!

My heart exclaims, "Oh my, my Lord! That is next level stuff and so beautiful! Thank you!"

At the suet feeder, the downy headed woodpecker gives way to the slightly larger bright red headed flicker who is then displaced by the practically prehistoric looking piliated woodpecker. (Those are just all fun words to say much less witness!)

All of it playing out on a bright white canvas that is almost too pure for the eyes. So I close my eyes and just listen to the chorus. The sparrows are loud and in mass and then suddenly silence as if the song is over or perhaps it is a simple pause as in chamber music. I like it. It soothes me to simply be present to the choir of birds God has brought me this morning.

And that is the key is it not?

God did this. All of it this morning. For me.

That is just one take away from a morning spent being present and believing the creator of the universe would like to sit next to me for awhile and enjoy my presence.

The other day I heard someone say "Sometimes Jesus just wants to fall asleep in our hearts." What a beautiful thought!

This morning I would like to simply snuggle into him and giggle as the birds play outside my window in the snow.

I think he's up for that too!


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